A slightly dreamy looking photo of a concrete raised U-bahn track from below. Next to it, a white utility building with a blue band across it. Blue sky above. A slightly dreamy looking photo of a concrete raised U-bahn track from below. Next to it, a white utility building with a blue band across it. Blue sky above.

As We Go

Play Play As We Go 4:53

Featuring Jamie Hill.

Back in November, a quote from Jamie's List – his excellent newsletter about music production – struck me:

We’re all just making this up as we go. Every one of us. And anyone who says they aren’t is either ego-bullshitting or has made a commitment to stop learning. And neither of those is a good thing in my view.

Learn, apply, repeat. Make art, release it, repeat. Keep growing and evolving. That’s all there is. How lovely.

I wrote Jamie and asked if he would be so kind as to record himself reading the quote for me. Quality vocal samples (that you won't end up being prosecuted for using) are always in high demand. Fortunately, Jamie was up for it!

Made on a Polyend Play+, mixed in Bitwig.

Let me know what you think about the track in the Fediverse.

Download for free here. Or buy from jam.coop, Mirlo or Bandcamp.

Licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0, with the exception that you are not allowed to use this track as training material for AI.

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